Registration and Lodging Information
- The LOC has partnered with another hotel for CHEP
participants (see
The Four Points Soho is located within walking
distance of the conference venue and offers very
competitive rates.
- Rates at Club Quarters were dropped from $206/$226
for singles and doubles to $186/$206. The new rates
apply retroactively to participants who previously made
reservations at Club Quarters at the higher rates.
Please see
- The LOC has received confirmation of our NYU dorm
reservation. Therefore, participants with confirmed
payment have been assigned rooms (45 people so far).
We still have 155 dorm rooms available. Each participant
will receive confirmation of dorm room reservation
beginning January 30. If you do not receive confirmation
by February 10, please contact
[email protected]
- Because NYU dorm rooms are configured as a 2-person
suite with a shared bathroom, participants who wish to
have a specific suite-mate should contact
[email protected]
and make a request before February 15. It is our policy to
assign rooms in a suite to same-gender participants (no
- We are pleased to be offering a number of conference
and companion tours that will appeal to both the first-time
visitor and the seasoned NYC traveler alike. A separate
website to select and purchase tour tickets and other visitor
deals is now available. Please see
for details and look for additional tour options to be added
before the end of the month! All conference tours will be
offered on Wednesday (May 23) for participants and their
companions, while companion tours will be offered on
Tuesday (May 22) and Thursday (May 24).
- For those taking advantage of the early registration
discount, we urge you to complete the payment process
as soon as possible. Any outstanding early registration
payments, including wire transfers, must be received by
February 6 in order to avoid cancellation of registration.
After that date, cancellation will require re-registration
at the regular (non-discounted) rate. Hotel rooms reserved
with a CHEP discount code by unconfirmed participants
will also be released at that time due to contractual
liability. NYU dorm room requests, as well, can not be
honored until payment is received.
The 3rd conference bulletin will be published on Feb. 3. It
will contain details on the program timetable and social
events, instructions for poster presenters and other general
Ofer Rind & Tony Wong
(on behalf of local organizing committee)